KNIPEX has announced a competition offering the chance to win an exclusive tool bundle, packed full of its new inno...
Tools & Equipment
Why investing in MOT equipment is worthwhile
Equipment specialists Maha UK explains why investing in high-quality MOT equipment is worthwhile for garages. While...
Jumpstarters for 24V systems
Ring’s latest jumpstarter ensures there is no vehicle too big for garages to help out of a jam. Automotive lighting...
Meeting environmental demands
Snap-On discusses the MOT and how it is evolving to meet environmental demands. Responding to public demand for cle...
How Windscreen Repair Can Boost Your Workshop
Victoria Evans, director of Esprit Windscreen Repair Equipment talks to PMM about the firm’s Elite Windscreen Repai...
Tips for Effective Passenger Car Battery Testing
Rotronics is reminding PMM readers that when it comes to passenger car batteries, testing can open the door to an e...
MAHA outlines two-post lift maintanance
Maintaining lift pads and arm locks, as well as the proper use of adaptors rather than “lumps of wood”, are all key...
Induction Innovations shares their tool range
Could your workshop technicians benefit from Induction Innovations’ heating tools? Induction Innovations is a famil...
Sealey runs through offering
Sealey runs through its latest tools to be released after the launch of several new ranges. Sealey has recently lau...
Impact Diagnostics provides bespoke offering
Combining a personal approach to helping customers with a national reach and big name diagnostic equipment, Alex Gi...
PCL releases impact wrench
PCL has released a new, higher torque impact wrench for the independent aftermarket and is celebrating one year of...
Kraftwerk’s Mobilio storage solutions
PMM caught up with Pete Anderson of South Coasting Auto Detailing in Hampshire, to find out whether his recent purc...