Cornwall’s first workshop to be equipped with a Hunter HawkEye Elite TD wheel alignment system – Xpress Tyres in Falmouth– has been announced as Pro-Align’s Alignment Centre of the Month for May.
What’s even more impressive is that the new equipment was only installed two months ago but is already being used up to 10 times a day.
Key to the success of Xpress Tyres is that speculative alignment checks are being carried out on almost every car that passes through the workshop, whether it has come in for new tyres, servicing or MOT, as well as specifically for a full four wheel alignment check.
With a full colour printout, showing all 14 primary angles that have been measured, being produced at the end of each check, customers are presented with the results in a matter of seconds. This provides additional peace of mind for those where the car’s geometry settings are correct. For those cars suffering from misalignment, Xpress Tyres is able to easily explain the problem and gain full customer approval for any required corrective work, helping to further boost customer service levels.
Peter Adams, Proprietor, Xpress Tyres, said: “Our speculative alignment work is paying dividends and is a great way to supplement the other key areas of the business. Of course, it’s not just speculative work that we use the Hunter Elite TD for as it also works alongside our other wheel alignment systems to significantly increase our vehicle throughput, offering a valuable service to customers.”
In addition to the dedicated bay for the state-of-the-art alignment system and a LiftLign 6402 alignment lift from Pro-Align, Xpress Tyres have alongside seven other bays for servicing and MOTs.
Paul Beaurain, Managing Director, Pro-Align, said: “Our congratulations go to Xpress Tyres. It is a great example of the very profitable opportunities that wheel alignment can bring for businesses willing to explore all avenues. It’s definitely a case of speculate to accumulate!”