Hella Gutmann has announced Nissan as the latest vehicle manufacturer to receive Cyber Security Management (CSM) coverage through its mega macs diagnostic devices.
The carmaker has been added as part of the version 76 software update, which is available to garages from January.
With the addition of Nissan, Hella Gutmann now offers CSM coverage across 21 vehicle manufacturers. CSM provides mega macs users with access to restricted functions and data at no additional cost to its standard software licence.
V76 also provides updates to several manufacturers, with all Kia vehicles now covered by CSM and Hyundai vehicles made up until 2022 gaining coverage. CSM is provided through mega macs devices for a wide range of marques, with Nissan joining Alfa Romeo, Audi, Fiat, Mercedes-Benz, Polestar, Renault, Volkswagen and more.
The latest version 76 software is compatible with mega macs X, 77, 56, 42SE, PC and SE, as well as the mega macs ONE.
Julian Goulding, Hella Gutmann’s Head of Sales, commented: “Ever-higher vehicle security means repairers need to make sure they have reliable and regular access. Version 76 of the mega macs software continues to roll-out ever wider CSM coverage for workshops.”