PMM goes behind the scenes with Guy Martin as he films a new series of videos all about oil with Morris Lubricants.
Everyone’s favourite mechanic, Guy Martin is no stranger to a bit of oil and grease! So, who better for Morris Lubricants to join forces with for its new ‘How Oil is Used’ automotive video series? From his bikes to his trucks, his tractors and, of course, his cars, Guy knows only too well the importance of maintaining his vehicles with quality oils, lubricants and greases to ensure they are running at peak performance.
The oil firm’s technology manager Adrian Hill joined Guy at his workshop to share some oils knowledge and dispel a myth or two on the way. Let’s have a look at some of the things they discussed together.
“Oil is cheap compared to metal”
Episode one covers the importance of selecting the correct engine oil for cars out of warranty.
The pair reminisce about the ‘not-so-good-old days’ of seasonal oil changes, with thinner and thicker monogrades for each season, take a whistle stop tour through modern turbo and super charged engine designs before getting down to the real issue – people are holding onto their vehicles for longer. With that, comes the temptation and dangers for vehicle owners to move to a cheaper oil to save money since their vehicle is no longer in warranty.
Adrian explains why this is a false economy and how selecting the wrong oil can cost a lot more in the end. As Guy puts it – “penny wise, pound foolish.” If you do one thing, selecting the correct quality engine oil that meets the manufacturer and vehicle specifications will help keep a vehicle on the road and away from the scrapyard.
Episode two considers which engine oils should be used for newer cars still under warranty. With Euro 6 and emissions’ control, engine design and technology are evolving rapidly – which means, there are some key factors to think through when selecting an engine oil.
This includes how the engine oil must work with the wide variety of aftertreatment devices, as well as some of the new demands that go hand in hand with hybrid engines with their more challenging intermittent stopstart regimes.
“There’s no oil in that mate!”
In episode three, Guy and Adrian chat about the progression towards electric vehicles and the common misconception that these newer vehicles do not require any lubricant. No petrol, no diesel – but there is definitely oil!
In fact, there are a lot of similarities between current hybrid cars and electric vehicle requirements including coolant, gear and transmission lubricants. Adrian and Guy delve deeper and examine the lubricant requirements of electric vehicles and also the potential power options for cars in the future.
Two-year blues?
Antifreeze coolants is the topic for episode four. Monoethylene Glycol – that sounds like it should belong squarely in the chemistry lab, but it has an important role to play in antifreeze coolant technology. Adrian unravels the complexities to focus on the key jobs antifreeze coolants have to perform to maintain a vehicle’s optimum running temperature and how these products also stop freezing and prevent rust and corrosion.
Plus, if you’re used to choosing your coolant based on colour – think again. It has no bearing on the performance and is purely a cosmetic factor as Guy soon learns.
“And I thought I was swimming in gears!”
In episode five, Guy learns that some passenger cars are being developed with as many as ten gears, which clearly impacts on the evolution of gear and transmission oils in cars. They review how these sophisticated gear systems are a vital element in improving a car’s fuel efficiency and help to reduce the emissions of a vehicle, but only if the correct oils and lubricants are used.
“Fair play. A lot of gear.”
To conclude the series, episode six takes a look at the range of ancillary products that should be on the shelves of every workshop – which aside from oils and lubricants are your ‘go to’ products for tough situations: Screen wash, various greases, rust inhibitors, brake fluid, MD4 penetrant and lubricant (which Guy happily admits to using tins of!) and solvent cleaner to name a few.
To conclude, watching the full series, you’ll learn how the right oil can improve fuel efficiency and avoid breakdowns.