Parts added to the LuK clutch range by Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket (UK) Ltd over the past year comprised 54 LuK RepSets for a vehicle parc of 2.203m vehicles; 52 LuK RepSet Pros for 1.734m; 13 LuK cylinders, 1.385m; and 20 LuK Dual Mass Flywheels (DMFs), 547,000. This means that new LuK product introduced over the 12-month period serviced the needs of more than 5.8 million vehicles.
Recent arrivals include: a LuK RepSet for more than 70,000 vehicles including the BMW 1 (E81, E87), 118d, 04/2007-; another LuK RepSet for more than 72,500 vehicles including the Kia Cee’d 1.6 CRDi 90, 12/2006-; and one for nearly 182,000 vehicles including the Ford Fiesta VI 1.4, 10/2008-.
Also introduced has been a LuK RepSet Pro for 42,000+ vehicles including the Ford Fiesta VI 1.6 TDCi 10/2008-; and another for more than 67,800 vehicles including the Land Rover Freelander 2 2.2 TD4, 10/2006-.
In addition, a new DMF has been released for vehicles including the CVT gearbox-equipped Audi A4 (8E2, B6) 2, 11/2000-12/2004.