The PMM Awards are back for 2022 and we have handed out the awards for some of our most popular articles of the year! Read on to find out the winners.
Every month, the PMM team works tirelessly to do our best to produce a magazine that is informative, instructive and entertaining for our readers. It is important to us that you remain as engaged as ever, whether that’s through our social media channels, our digital newsletter, tuning in to the podcast or even reaching out to us on the telephone or dropping us an email. We love hearing what you think about the magazine – what you liked and what you think we could improve.
Over the past year we have featured some fantastic articles, contributed from a huge range of excellent sources. Every year, we round up the best ones and present the winners with that year’s PMM Award. As you can imagine, it’s no easy task! This year, we had a real struggle going through the articles we felt made the most impact and gained the most responses from our readers. We weighed up the most popular articles on the e-newsletter each week, the most requested rdr links, the most popular articles on our website and across our social media platforms – in short, compiling this list now encompasses a wider range of media than ever before. Because of this, we are confident it represents every aspect of the automotive aftermarket.
We hope you agree that this year’s PMM Awards represents the best selection of articles we’ve published yet. We would also like to thank the many companies who supported us both editorially and commercially over the past year.Your support is what enables us to put together the best magazine we can each month, something our readers will no doubt thank you for as well.
For now, let’s celebrate what makes this industry fantastic and raise a glass to the winners! Here, news & products editor Freya Coleman takes you through the past year.
The 7G-Tronic TCU
Kicking off this years’ awards is this technical article from ACtronics from the March issue of PMM, which takes an in-depth look at Mercedes’ 7G-Tronic transmission control unit. Inside this highly technical article, readers learnt all about how the mechatronic works, some known complaints and fault codes, how to check the sensor function yourself and how to ‘virginise’ the part before use.
For more information, click here.
Andy Howart
Range Rover flat battery
Keen PMM readers will have noticed that more often than not we run a ‘Troubleshooter’ feature in the magazine. One of the most popular this year was from the April issue, written by Andy Howart, who tackles a Range Rover Evoque whose battery issues were causing the owner considerable stress.
The young lady who owned the car had already gone to a local garage and a main dealer who were unable to find the source of the problem let alone solve it, adding considerably to her stress. So she contacted Andy and the diagnostics could begin! By the end of the article, you’ll see that Andy discovered when he disconnected the main harness, he found that the ambient lighting or illuminator console writing program displayed that it was wired to the central body control module.
Seeing as he concludes by saying this isn’t the first time a problem like this has come his way, the value of troubleshooters in the PMM magazine is proven. After all, sharing diagnostic solutions IS caring.
For more information, click here.
Vehicle data access
One of the many issues facing the independent aftermarket this year has been accessing secured vehicle data and this didn’t go unnoticed by Bosch. In September, they informed PMM and our readers all about their solution for accessing this data, improving competitiveness in the independent sector. If users already have an ESI subscription, they will face no extra costs when setting up a personal Bosch ID to use Bosch Secure Diagnostic Access (SDA). The only extra step needed is when access protected data of Mercedes-Benz vehicles.
A prerequisite for the use of Bosch Secure Diagnostic Access is ESI[tronic] 2.0 Online diagnostic software and a valid license for Control Unit Diagnosis, as well as a stable internet connection. Furthermore, a diagnostic tester of the current Bosch KTS generation – such as KTS 590 – is also required. This enables even multi-brand workshops to perform active diagnostic tasks on modern vehicle models, thereby ensuring their competitiveness.
For more information, click here.
NVH design solutions
If you cast your minds back, you will remember the next article from the February issue which was part one of NVH solutions from Brembo, part two following in May. It’s hard to believe we kept you waiting for so long!
Part one explains noise, vibration and harshness (or NVH) that’s produced by brake discs and Brembo’s solution in reducing them – using over 40 different variants of cast iron to reduce hot and cold judder by using a high carbon cast iron that improves dampening. Part two goes past juddering to look at other brake noises such as low or high frequency squeals. The article then goes on to cover the solutions of this such as chamfering and brake shins. With brakes being such an important aspect of car safety and brake noise being extremely irritating, it’s clear to see why these articles have made the list.
For more information, click here.
Meet the car consultant
For us editors, it’s always exciting when we get to hear from our readers. So, when Edd Hunt the car consultant reached out to us, it was more than a pleasure to visit him down in Stockbridge, feature him in the May magazine and find out what it takes to be crowned winner of Denso’s 2021 ‘League of True Mechanics’.
We also got to learn his journey of becoming a car consultant, including graduating top of his class at the VW academy, offering a helping hand to a broken-down Jaguar on the side of the road and building a reputation as the go-to guy for troubleshooting. It’s often easy to fall into looking at the automotive industry as a whole, focusing on the bigger picture as opposed to the individual workshops and technicians that are at the heart of the aftermarket. So, it’s always a pleasure to get to meet individual readers and garages.
For more information, click here.
Liqui Moly
Vehicle case files
Every single issue from February to this very December issue has included a feature from Liqui Moly called the vehicle case files, investigating common vehicle problems and proposing solutions to them. This has covered topics such combustion engine issue, specification errors and solving clogged DPFs. For example, in the July/August issue, which you will find pictured, the issue was changing the oil on an automatic transmission and the solution was Liqui Moly’s gear tonic. This PMM award, therefore, goes to this series of articles which totals to nine whole pieces for the magazine.
For more information, click here.
JLM Lubricants
How to deal with DPF problems
Unsurprisingly, Darren Darling – better known as the DPF Doctor – and his contributions to the magazine were extremely popular amongst both the traditional hard-copy readers of PMM and those who chose to digest our content on the website. But, alas, we could only settle on one which we selected from the February issue.
Inside, read all about the damage of DPF regenerations. Darren argues that workshops have a lot to gain from having the knowhow to work on blocked or damaged DPFs rather than regenerating for a quick fix. His colleague, DPF Doctor Chay Blyth, agrees saying that six to seven out of every DPF assessment he undertakes is damaged beyond repair and this is due to a lack of understanding from customers and garages alike. With misinformation surrounding DPFs, it’s clear to see why the work the DPF Doctor does, with the help of JLM lubricants, to educate our readers is so important.
For more information, click here.
Maverick Diagnostics
Dyslexia in the workshop
Next up is this insightful article from Andy Brooke, managing director at Maverick Diagnostics, who shares his story about being diagnosed with dyslexia later in his life and how this has impacted both the practical and the academic aspects of his life and career. After struggling in school with reports stating “Andrew is intelligent but cannot concentrate”, he was almost 25 before he discovered the potential reason for his difficulties – that he was dyslexic.
When working, he finds himself having to read through instructions on screens many times to make sure he doesn’t “brick” the car and explains how it’s even more stressful under pressure, but has started looking at his dyslexia as a blessing, not a curse.
Andy also found that many other technicians he speaks to in the motor trade are also dyslexic, including some of the best. This was reflected in the IMI diversity report which found that the automotive industry has a disproportionately high number of members who are neurodivergent. Therefore, it’s clear to see how this personal story so important to the industry won the PMM team over.
For more information, click here.
Online traction
When articles are published on the PMM website, links are posted to our Facebook page which makes it a great place to stay on-top of the latest in the industry!
It’s also a great place for Facebook members and/or PMM readers to discuss the content of the article – some gaining more traction than others such as the post about which brake lubricants are suited to which jobs from that which appeared in the September issue. Commenters went on to discuss which greases they used in their own workshops, tagging their friends to either agree or argue for a different corner. It’s great when our readers get involved online and this is a great example of technicians engaging in the content we produce.
For more information, click here.
Neil Pattemore
Cybersecurity debate
With cybersecurity being one of many obstacles currently facing independent garages, PMM and UK AFCAR’s Neil Pattemore visited Neville Smith at ‘Nev’ll Fix It’ in Tonbridge to discuss the issue. It was interesting to get an industry figure and an independent garage together to look both at the bigger picture of legislation, for example, but also how much cybersecurity issues influence garages themselves.
After reading this article, you will be educated on topics such as vehicle type approval and security gateways from Neil. But you will also gain an understanding from Neville about what this means for independent garages such as if MVBER wasn’t extended he wouldn’t have the information needed to continue his business. This was also one of the many articles we were able to feature in the Professional Motor Mechanic Podcast which launched in August of this year.
For more information, click here.
Classic oils for classic cars
Nostalgia is definitely something the PMM team have felt amongst car lovers this year, with many classic car shows making a comeback since the pandemic. Motul points this nostalgic feeling out, and the oncoming autumn and winter months that were about to ensue when this was published back in June, as an opportunity to offer servicing to classic cars. The piece argues that targeting classic car owners during this period could well be an investment of marketing time that pays dividends, which certainly sounds convincing.
With Motul being one of the first brands to launch a specialised classic oil range back in 2008 they’re more than qualified to give their advice on which oils fit which cars best. The article takes us back through time, giving their recommendations of cars dating from the 1900s-50s all the way up to classic cars from the ‘90s.
For more information, click here.
MOT lighting
Lights are an unexpected key area of MOTs, especially when you consider how short the days become in the winter months. This MOT feature article by OSRAM, that was printed in the March issue of PMM, highlights the importance of having good quality lighting fitted to every vehicle during an MOT, as it increases road safety for drivers and pedestrians alike. The article goes on to speak of the ‘added convenience’ OSRAM can offer to workshops in their Bulb Replacement Guide. It’s as simple as entering the vehicle type and selecting the required light source and technology to find the perfect bulb for your needs.
For more information, click here.
Pico Technology
Charging failure
When working on cars, technicians can face a multitude of issues that vary from vehicle to vehicle – something that keeps us all on our toes! However, with the ‘Troubleshooter’ feature in PMM you can find examples of technicians tackling common problems with a number of varying models of cars.
This troubeshooter from Pico Technology was one of the most popular amongst our online audience this year, and for a good reason. It looks at a plug-in failure on an Audi Q7 e-tron which came in two parts – one from the February issue with the follow up in March. The fact we had to spread it over two issues proves just how detailed this diagnosis report truly was!
For more information, click here.
The Pink Garage Company
Female focus
This year at PMM we’ve made a conscious effort to highlight some amazing women from the automotive industry in our ‘female focus’ feature, and Randeep Reehal, operations director of Courtwood Car Services, who featured in the May issue is no exception.
Randeep set up The Pink Garage Company when she realised the huge lack of women in the motor trade despite them bending over backwards and going the extra mile when given the chance. This company has allowed Randeep to train women into becoming mechanics who never would have – such as a mum of three who she is training part-time between 9 and 1 most days. With the amazing work for women that Randeep does, this was an easy choice for the PMM team.
For more information, click here.
Clutch clinic
Another one of our flagship technical features is the monthly ‘Clutch Clinic’ and it continues to be a hugely engaging part of the magazine, and one of the most popular along with PMM’s other highly technical articles – something we really like to pride ourselves on.
This year’s feature kicked off in January with a clutch clinic from Schaeffler’s Alistair Mason. This featured step-by-step instructions on how to replace the clutch in an Audi A5, specifically one that had a relatively low mileage indicating short trips with a lot of stop start driving – realistically how many people drive these days. By following along, even the most experienced technicians could learn a thing or two about replacing clutches.
For more information, click here.
Battery testing
Rounding off this year’s awards is this article from Varta which emphasises the importance of cars having their batteries tested when entering the workshop which appeared in the February issue of PMM. If you think back to February of 2022, Covid was certainly more of a national concern than it is now and cars were still ramping up after sitting mostly unused for months of on and off lockdowns. With this irregular usage, paired with less regular commuters on the road, Andy
Cook, technical senior trainer at Varta, argues that now really is the time to be implementing battery testing into every customer’s job list. I think it’s clear to see there’s many things to learn from the pandemic, and this article makes a clear case for consistent battery testing making the list.
For more information, click here.
Safety advice for EVs
If you’ve listened to episode four of the Professional Motor Mechanic Podcast, or read practically any of the issues this year, you’ll be well aware that electric vehicles could be just around the corner. Especially with the governments’ 2030 deadline now not too far off as it once appeared to be. Therefore, in the April issue of PMM, automotive tools specialist Sealey threw their hats into the EV ring, advising readers on how to stay safe whilst working on electric vehicles. This included advising users that when working on hybrid or EVs, a category III analyser or voltmeter is vital. The company also strongly advise that VDE-approved tools are used for further protection from the risk of electric shock.
For more information, click here.