We talk to Bosch about why it’s aiming to give garages extra. through the launch of a novel new workshop initiative.
PMM: Tell us more about extra.
BOSCH: extra. is a loyalty reward scheme for independent workshops who purchase Bosch automotive products, and is our way of recognising our loyal garage customers. It is all-inclusive, so any workshop can sign up to be a part of it.
How does it work?
Garages are rewarded with points every time they purchase selected Bosch products from their local distributor. These points can then be exchanged for a host of fantastic prizes, including power tools, home & DIY products, tools & games and jewellery.
How do garages sign up?
Garages need to log on to www.extra-rewards.co.uk or www.extra-rewards.ie (for Irish customers) and then fill out the simple online registration platform. Once they’ve entered their contact details they’ll receive a confirmation email and an online account will automatically be created. Users can then start building up their points total from this point onwards.
Additionally, every participating garage will receive a welcome pack in the post, containing more details about the scheme, plenty of Bosch goodies and the all-important barcode collection bag.
Is it easy to collect points?
Yes, you simply rip out the barcodes from selected Bosch products and send them off to us in the free-post barcode collection envelope. These will then be processed and the points are added to your overall total. As an added bonus, all registered users will receive 500 welcome points to get them started and we’ll also be running special promotions throughout the year so that garages can top-up their points more quickly.
Which Bosch products are applicable?
Initially the scheme covers products such as wiper blades, Lambda sensors, brake pads & discs, filters, ignition coils and fuel pumps. We plan to expand this over time and also have the flexibility to run special promotions that incorporate other component groups, such as seasonal products.
How can users keep up-to-date with their points total?
All members need to do is log in to their online account and they’ll be presented with their current points total at the top of the page. Additionally, we send out regular emails to every registered garage and this will also include details of your points total contained within.
The e-mailers will contain details of any special points promotions and incentives that we’re running – now or in the future – so really savvy garages will be able to take advantage of this. Everything is supported by a dedicated service centre, offering a free hotline or email contact for enquiries.
Are there any incentives for MECHANEX visitors?
Yes, any garages that sign up on the extra. stand at the Donington Park show will also receive a special gift, including a rucksack, notebook, pen and flashing bouncy ball. Make sure you pay us a visit!
Visit Stand C12 at Donington Park to find out more about how Bosch can give you Extra!
Registration is simple, visit http://www.mechanex.info or call 01923 237799. For all the latest news and info on upcoming shows, follow @MECHANEXShow.