MOOG’s expert support team, the Garage Gurus, tells PMM about its latest advance in 3D schematics and offers up useful advice.
Some steering and suspension systems are incredibly complex and time consuming to diagnose and repair. This complexity can make it difficult to select the right part the first time, which not only slows things down, but can also lead to incorrect installations and ultimately, dissatisfied customers. To help combat this, the company’s 3D schematics aim to make it easy and quick to find the correct part for the job while providing a visual confirmation of the fitting position and the application criteria.
At the heart of the 3D schematics is an exploded view of the front/rear suspension system. This way, you can accurately see the fitting position of the parts that need replacement, eliminating the risk of incorrect installation due to any misunderstanding of how it fits into the system. The 3D schematics can also be used to identify surrounding parts that might need replacement as well in one single view.
Additionally, MOOG provides generic and specific fitting instructions to guide mechanics through the proper installation of the part. The specific fitting instructions are tailored to the exact part, while generic instructions cover standard practices that apply to all of the company’s parts. This ensures that the part is installed and functioning correctly.
The 3D schematics can be easily accessed from the company’s parts finder, Driv e-cat and TecDoc catalogue, which is constantly being updated to include more parts and even more detailed images. This level of detail not only assists mechanics in selecting the correct part, but also makes repairs quicker and easier.
To find the 3D schematics in TecDoc, please, follow the steps below:
- Select the vehicle in TecDoc
- Click the part type, filter on MOOG and click any part number
- Select the 3D Schematics link under the image (“circuit diagram”)
There are already 1200 3D Schematics available which cover more than 95 per cent of the European car parc.
In conclusion, 3D schematics provide mechanics with a unique visual confirmation that the correct part has been selected within complex steering and suspension systems. The ability to see the part in 360° rotating pictures and an exploded view of the system enables mechanics to easily select the correct part for the job, while fitting instructions reduce errors and repair time.
Update your technical knowledge
A quick scan of the QR code on any MOOG part is the gateway for mechanics to enhance their technical skills and keep up to date with the latest automotive developments and technologies. In addition to product authentication, fitting guides and advice and warranty information, scanning the QR code and tapping the relevant tab allows the user to enrol at the Garage Gurus® Online Training Centre, enabling them to access a comprehensive e-learning course library as well as live webinars and technical articles.