Lucas Oil discusses its new training academy and what it can offer aspiring technicians.
In a new series of technical seminars, the UK’s next generation of professional motor mechanics is learning how additive technology is being used to reduce vehicle emissions and to support garage service and maintenance routines. They are also learning the value of informing customers about the continuous maintenance dividends that automotive additives can deliver.
The Lucas Oil Academy, which is the training arm of US brand Lucas Oil Products, works closely with technical colleges. It’s been using shows such as Mechanex, Race Retro and local trade events to demonstrate and promote additive benefits for student mechanics.
“For example, we explain that because our Heavy Duty Oil Stabiliser provides a coating to all internal engine components, it is perfect for cars with oil-fed timing chain tensioners,” says Lucas Oil Academy technician Nathan Owen. “Good examples of the kind of models that particularly benefit are found among certain cars in the Vauxhall range, often associated with engine noise and rattling. Our LOA students learn why this kind of product is ideal for tired or worn engines. It’s because it raises oil pressure. It adds lubricity. It lowers oil temperature. It helps to extend the operational life of the oil. That’s a quality that’s especially useful for car owners who are often tardy about bringing their vehicles in for a service.”
Students of the LOA learn how to apply additive technology more appropriately. They return to their local garages more able to offer a range of alternative solutions that can benefit both garages and their customers.
“For customers struggling with the cost of living crisis, additives that can reduce emissions or extend component life offer solutions that are more affordable. For garages, additive sales provide not just solutions but add preventive maintenance options that will increase garage efficiency and put numbers on to the bottom line,” adds Nathan Owen.