Vehicle troubleshooting: VW Passat 3C (Electronic Steering Column Lock unit)

Vehicle troubleshooting: VW Passat 3C (Electronic Steering Column Lock unit)

On the 2005-2011 VW Passat (3C), a common cause for the vehicle not starting is the Electronic Steering Column Lock unit. The symptoms for this particular problem can be recognised by the dash steering light coming on, but the ignition lights are not illuminated, or the steering column lock won’t release.

The following procedure explains how to fit the new electronic steering column lock unit:

1. First, obtain the vehicle access code from the engine ECU.

2. Then replace the electronic steering column lock unit.

3. When the new unit is fitted, insert the ignition key into the switch (the yellow steering light should be displayed in the dash insert).

4. Using the Autologic, access the immobiliser control unit.

5. Select the control unit function for the adaption procedure.

6. A check is made to see if the car is ready for the procedure to be carried out. Any problems are highlighted at this part.

7. Enter the previously obtained vehicle access code.

8. The Autologic will then carry out the adaptation procedure, matching the new electronic steering column lock to the vehicle.

9. The procedure is complete.

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