New additions to Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket’s LuK clutch range released so far in 2012 cater for a vehicle parc of more than five million additional vehicles.
Parts added to the LuK clutch range from the company this year comprise: 46 LuK RepSets for more than 1.75 million vehicles; 48 LuK RepSet Pros, for more than 1.52 million vehicles; 17 Dual Mass Flywheels (DMFs), 523,000; and 13 LuK Cylinders, 1.38 million.
Recent additions have added more than 587,000 vehicles to the range with highlights including a Concentric Slave Cylinder for nearly 120,000 vehicles including the Suzuki Grand Vitara (JT) 1.9 DDiS, 10/2005-, an LuK Slave Cylinder for vehicles which include the Peugeot 207 (WD) 1.6v, 02/2007-; a LuK Master Cylinder for more than 61,000 vehicles including the Toyota Corolla (E12U, E12J) 1.4 VVT-i, 01/2002-; and a LuK DMF for more than 94,000 vehicles including the Land Rover Discovery MkII (LJ, LT) 2.5 Td5, 01/1999-06/2004.