The Electric Cooling System Pressure Tester uses the vehicles own power supply (12v battery) to provide the power to generate continuous pressure for testing the integrity of the cooling system, including the radiator, water pump, hoses and clamps.
Traditional cooling system pressure testers use a manual hand pump to generate the required pressure, however this process requires the technician to stand and pump, and then watch the gauge in order to verify if pressure is being held, or not.
The Alba Diagnostics ALB30924A has two main benefits over the use of a traditional hand pump:
a) Because the pressure is generated electrically, there is no need to for the technician to wait for the system to pressurise, as there is an automatic cut-off built in to the unit;
b) If the pressurised system subsequently loses pressure, the unit automatically re-starts as it tries to bring the system back to full pressure, the technician will therefore ‘hear’ the unit re-starting and know immediately there is pressure loss.
The ALB30924A is also supplied with a unique set of expanding rubber bungs, which are designed to work with a wide variety of different cooling system expansion tanks, and thus doing away with the requirement for a vast selection of adaptor caps. Combined with its extreme light weight (only 3Kg) this makes the Alba unit and extremely useful and versatile piece of workshop equipment.
Designed and manufactured by Alba Diagnostics, the ALB30924A is available now, via most automotive tools and equipment distributors.