Developed in conjunction with tradesmen, Big Phil is a fantastic new brand that delivers man-sized ‘made-for-trade’ snacks and energy-boosting drinks to keep you fuelled up during the busy working day.
Big Phil products are supplied in trade-sized packs for a satisfying ‘big fill’. The range consists of:
• Crisp ‘Bulk Bags’ in 4 flavours: ready salted, cheese & onion, salt & vinegar, chargrilled steak;
• Chocolate ‘Breeze Blocks’ in 3 flavours: milk chocolate, milk chocolate with caramel, milk chocolate with hazelnut;
• Carbonated ‘Energy Cell’ drink in 1 mixed fruit flavour
Available exclusively through trade outlets nationwide you can fuel up as you collect your materials for the day’s job.
Keen to support good causes, Big Phil has joined forces with Help for Heroes* to raise money for injured servicemen & women, donating a minimum of 1p from the sale price of each Big Phil product to the charity.