The Shortis Group has invested in Supertracker computerised wheel alignment systems for their Wilco Motosave and Fast-Fit centres.
The Shortis Group independent chains of family-owned motorist’s stores has replaced many of its Supertracker laser wheel alignment systems with the latest Computerised 6-sensor wheel alignment systems from Supertracker.
Wilco Motosave and Fast-Fit, have been using Supertracker wheel alignment systems across its network of sites for many years.
The Supertracker STR130RW 6 sensor wheel alignment system is assembled in the UK and is backed by a national aftercare service team.
Supertracker’s six sensor computerised wheel aligner operates a vehicle database, customer database with full history recall and visual printouts for before and after readings. It operates a user-friendly software with adjustment help screen and step by step guides for accurate alignment checks.
Straightset owned Supertracker products are installed by engineers, delivering the installation process and product demonstrations. The aftercare support offered helps to keep customers operational, deliver efficiencies and safety benefits.
Richard Shortis, Managing Director of the Shortis Group, said: “Having worked with the Supertracker equipment for many years, when it came to upgrading our wheel alignment gauges, Supertracker was the obvious choice with their computerised alignment system.”
Julia Blake, Director at Supertracker, added: “We are delighted to be appointed to work with Wilco Motosave and Fast-Fit across their group of sites. This is an exciting collaboration which demonstrates the strength of a long-standing relationship between Supertracker and the Shortis Group.”