Schaeffler’s REPXPERT technical training team has announced more details about its programme of ‘Tea-Break Training’.
The programme has been designed to appeal to as many people as possible by offering information in bite-size chunks at three different starting times.
Senior REPXPERT and Schaeffler Technical Manager, Alistair Mason, explained: “Each module should take around 20 minutes, including time for a quick Q&A. The idea is that technicians can learn something extremely useful during the time it normally takes to make a brew and take a quick break from the workshop.”
One topic will be presented three times over two days, ensuring that as many people as possible can partake. As each live module will only be available on those two days, Schaeffler has recommended that anybody interested should sign up as soon as possible to guarantee their place. Attendance has been limited to ensure a quality connection and allow time for all attendees to ask questions.
Launching the programme is ‘What’s Hot in Cooling’, which will take place on Tuesday 12th January at 12:30 and on Wednesday 13th January at 12:30 and 18:30.
Alistair will be offering an insight into water pumps, including material and sealing technology, plus how to diagnose common cooling system problems, installation tips and workshop best practice. This will be the first in a series of three modules on the cooling system, with two more featuring in upcoming Tea-Break Training sessions.
Registration links are available on the REPXPERT website, as well as via social media posts and newsletters sent to members. Anybody who has attended a Schaeffler REPXPERT Academy or any other Schaeffler training event will also receive the link. Information on all future Tea-Break training sessions will appear first on the REPXPERT website.