Ring supports TyreSafe campaign

Ring supports TyreSafe campaign

Ring has announced it will be showing its support for TyreSafe’s latest campaign, ‘Look Who’s Talking’, which will raise awareness of tyre care and maintenance throughout October.

The charity hopes that by using the ‘Look Who’s Talking’ theme and applying simple messaging to reiterate the three key areas of routine tyre maintenance – Air pressure, Condition, Tread depth and ACT – it can encourage motorists to put the theory into practice.

One particularly important call to action from the campaign is for drivers to check their tyres every month and before long journeys, in a bid to avoid problems and possible accidents before they occur.

A video will also feature on the TyreSafe website and will use two cartoon tyres as characters to put the dangers into context. Posters, banner adverts, leaflets, promotional templates and digital videos will all be available for partners, such as Ring, to share.

Stuart Jackson, Chairman at TyreSafe, commented: “Our annual Tyre Safety Month campaign every October provides the platform for all drivers to get into the habit of checking their tyres. By getting into the routine of checking their tyres once a month and before long journeys not only reduces the risk of being involved in an incident on the roads but also helps them save money. We thank Ring for sharing this potentially life-saving message.”

Henry Bisson, Marketing Manager at Ring, added: “Although checking tyres may not be a priority among many motorists, we believe that if more people were aware of the dangers of driving with unsafe tyres, they would follow the ‘ACT’ guidance that TyreSafe is working so hard to share.

“As a leading supplier of products to the automotive aftermarket, including a range of Tyre Inflators, we appreciate the benefits to good maintenance and will be using October to push this message even further with our customers and colleagues.”

For further information about Ring and its range of products, visit www.ringautomotive.com.

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