The 2014 Repair Focus event will take place on June 12 in Thatcham. Aimed at decision makers, influencers and forward thinking practitioners from the UK vehicle repair industry, this year’s show will provide attendees with an up-to-the-minute review of vehicle technologies and cutting edge repair solutions. It will mix a showcase of the latest tools and products with seminars and displays to interest anyone involved in the repair of modern vehicles.
The Auto Body Professionals (ABP) National Meeting will bring over 200 influential members of the repair community to debate the burning industry issues of the day. As part of the ABP meeting, Thatcham Chief Executive Peter Shaw will deliver his key note address, this year focusing on the effect of ‘Globalisation’ and the resulting need for standards to be even higher in future, with insurers under pressure from government and legislation. Forward looking Repair sector executives will be adjusting their plans for the next 3-5 years to address the key trends and challenges that Peter identifies with a unique perspective derived from Thatcham’s own work with government, insurers and car makers.
As the Focus seminar programme takes shape, visitors will find out what the bodyshop of the future will look like and what needs to be considered in pursuit of a sustainable business model, as well as discovering the latest trends on the horizon in relation to modern vehicle repair.
At the heart of the event will be a focus on the latest repair challenges and Thatcham’s expert team will be on hand to show the way to safe and economical repair as the centre also announces its latest initiative in the mission to provide the repair industry with optimised, relevant, reliable and extensive repair methods to maximise productivity and profit.
Meanwhile the UK’s top repair technicians will battle it out live for the coveted Thatcham/Bodyshop Craft Awards titles in Paint and Panel.
Free visitor registrations are now open via www.thatcham.org/repairfocus or for further information please call 01635 293 113.