The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) is putting its Vehicle Inspectors through a new training and assessment programme as part of a drive to provide inspectors with the highest quality education and training.
Successful achievement of the programme, which is quality assured by the Institute of the Motor Industry, will see Vehicle Inspectors receive IRTE’s industry recognised irtec Licence and IMI Awards QAA certification.
DVSA Chief Executive, Alastair Peoples said: “My vision is that our Vehicle Inspectors will set the industry benchmark. We are investing in the future of our staff and training them to a very high standard.
“The industry has always valued the professionalism and integrity of our Inspectors and, with the new qualifications; they will deliver a first class service to our customers.
“As we continue to expand our network of Authorised Testing Facilities, our Inspectors will be more highly skilled than ever before and well equipped to meet the needs of a demanding industry.”
Ian Chisholm, Head of Operations and Communications at IRTE’s umbrella organisation SOE (Society of Operations Engineers) added: “Through assessing and licensing road transport technicians on their skills and knowledge, irtec’s objective is to raise standards across the sector and thereby improve vehicle maintenance and road safety.
“As the agency responsible for setting, testing and enforcing vehicle standards acrossGreat Britain, DVSA shares a common goal of promoting rigorous industry standards for vehicle maintenance.
“In putting their vehicle inspectors forward for irtec licences, DVSA is making a commitment to ensuring a standardised level of skills and knowledge among its testers, as well as commiting to the promotion of overall vehicle safety and compliance across the road transport industry.”