A taskforce tackling tax dodgers in the motor trade was recently launched by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). The taskforce is expected to recover more than £22m tackling tax dodgers in the motor trade in South Wales, South West, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and the North East.
Taskforces are specialist teams that undertake intensive bursts of activity in specific high risk trade sectors and locations in the UK. The teams will visit traders to examine their records and carry out other investigations.
The Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, David Gauke, said: “At a time when we are trying to rebalance the public finances and most hard-working people are making a contribution by paying the right tax, it is just not fair that a small minority try to dodge their responsibilities.
“These new taskforces are funded by the Government’s investment in HMRC of over £900m to crack down on avoidance and evasion. Their dedicated teams are on track to collect more than £50m from tax avoiders and evaders through the taskforces launched last year and expect to collect £30m in unpaid taxes through those launched today.”
HMRC’s Mike Eland, Director General Enforcement and Compliance, said: “Everyone needs to pay the taxes they owe in full – these new taskforces will help us crack down on the minority who have chosen to break the rules. If you have paid all your taxes you have nothing to worry about. But deliberately evading tax you should be paying can land you with not only a heavy fine but possibly a criminal prosecution as well. This is not an empty threat – HMRC can and will track you down if you choose to break the rules.”
HMRC launched 12 taskforces in 2011/12, with 30 set to follow in 2012/13. HMRC is on target to collect more than £50m as a result of the taskforces launched in 2011/12.