Easy2Recruit has announced it will be heading to Mechanex when it returns to Sandown Park, Surrey, on the 12th & 13th November.
The agency which helps garages hire overseas talent, will be showing how its growing range of staff recruitment programmes is helping businesses beat the skills crisis on Stand F6.
Ambi Singh, CEO of Easy2Recruit, said: “We have the solution to the skills gap. We help garages to recruit technicians from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and India. We do all the relocation from overseas to the door of the UK garage.”
Alongside the core offering, Easy2Recruit has also launched Student2Skill, which pairs international students studying in the UK with garages looking for part-time workers, focused around roles such as tyre fitting.
Ambi continued: “Many already have work experience and advanced academic qualifications, but are eager to learn trades too and can offer a wealth of skills and capability to the UK workforce.”
Meanwhile, Easy2Recruit’s Student2Skill international graduate placement programme recently saw its first candidate start work. Ambi said: “This puts international graduates with the right skills together with garages where they work full-time for at least six months.” The programme focuses on those holding a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) qualification.