Wynn’s investigates an underlying issue with E10 petrol.
A UK Department of Energy study on phase separation (during which water separates from the petrol and falls to the bottom of the fuel tank) shows that bioethanol-based fuels retain more water in suspension.
Bioethanol is a renewable fuel that comes from renewable raw materials such as agricultural and urban waste, the decomposition of wood biomass, and plants grown specifically for its production such as corn or beet. Its main benefit is that its net CO2 emissions are zero or even negative. The CO2 emitted during combustion has previously been absorbed by the raw materials from which it comes.
However, it has several disadvantages compared to fossil-based petrol. Among them, we highlight:
- Lower calorific value increases fuel consumption.
- Formation of acids: bioethanol degrades, producing acids that attack light metals such as copper.
- Hygroscopic: tends to absorb moisture.
E10 gasoline (10 per cent ethanol) takes longer than non-ethanol (E0) gasoline to absorb enough moisture for phase separation to occur and this can take a minimum of three months. However, by the time phase separation has occurred in E10 gasoline, the fuel is already aged, which can make starting the engine difficult or even impossible. In addition, increased deposit formation contaminates fuel circuit components and can cause irregular engine operation and emission-related faults.
Many factors influence the amount of moisture that can be found in a tank, such as weather conditions, amount of fuel in the tank, frequency of refuelling, mileage, etc.
ACEA, the association of European automobile manufacturers, aware of the risks of using E10, has published a list of compatibility of the different car brands with this fuel on its website.
A solution
Regular use of Wynn’s GDI Efficiency Restorer to clean and protect against the effects of ethanol fuel, especially in low-mileage vehicles, helps maintain vehicle performance and reduce pollution and emissions-related failures.