Pit Stop: February edition

Pit Stop: February edition

In need of a refuel? Read on to find out the answers to the latest Pit Stop puzzle page that featured in the February issue of PMM. 


  1. How many time zones are there in Russia?
  2. When was the London Underground established?
  3. Which driver has won the most Formula 1 championships?
  4. What is the name of the coffee shop in the sitcom Friends?
  5. Which bones are babies born without?
  6. In the scooby doo franchise, what is the name of their vehicle?
  7. In bowling, what is it called when three strikes are made in a row?
  8. What type of pasta has the name meaning “little worms”?
  9. Which singer was nominated for 7 Grammys in the 2022 season?
  10. How many minutes are in a year?


  1. 11
  2. 1863
  3. Michael Schumacher & Lewis Hamilton
  4. Central Perk
  5. Knee cap
  6. The Mystery Machine
  7. Turkey
  8. Vermicelli
  9. Olivia Rodrigo
  10. 525,600

World Wheel nine-letter answer: Emissions

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