The end of summer and the beginning of the colder months can often come as a shock to workshops and cars alike. Therefore, tool specialist Sealey is encouraging you to be prepared for the colder, darker, nights.
Winter can often be with us often rather unexpectedly, and as such it is better to have your customer’s cars well prepared beforehand. Statistics show that winter breakdowns are more than double the figures recorded during the warmer summer months, many of these breakdowns could have been avoided by having the vehicle serviced and/or prepared before the onset of winter.
Batteries tend to be a sealed for life unit these days and as such it is often overlooked until it fails. Winter months are particularly hard on batteries because cold temperatures not only reduce their cranking output, but in addition of course there are more loads on the electrical system in the form of heated screens and lights being used much more than in the warmer months.
Batteries generally tend to last around five years so if there is any sign of slow starting the battery should be checked and replaced if required. The Sealey BT105 is said to be a simple to use but effective tool to check the vehicles battery condition and also its alternator output. Vehicle battery terminals should always be kept clean and tight with a coating of an anti-corrosion compound applied to them.
Alternator drive
The alternator drive belt should also be checked for condition and correct tension and replaced/re-tensioned as necessary.
Engine coolant can become diluted if the system is topped up with water only, as the coolant is also a corrosion inhibitor, it is important to have this changed at the correct service intervals, and to be at the correct strength as recommended by the manufacturer. Failure to adhere to this can become a very costly mistake! A good quality antifreeze additive is a vital addition to the cars screen-washer system, washer jets should be kept clean and correctly adjusted, and the wipers should be checked, and replaced if required. The Sealey VS005 Refractometer is a cost-effective tool which can not only measure coolant strength, but also screen-washer and battery fluid strength.
Tyre pressures, condition and application are of course vital at any time of the year, and are of course essential to both steering and braking, but in winter we ask so much more of these items. The new Sealey SA375 digital tyre inflator is an ideal piece of workshop equipment for accurately checking and adjusting tyre pressures.
The legal limit on a car tyre may be 1.6mm of tread, but a tyre with 3mm of tread remaining can give as much as 25 per cent shorter stopping distance in the wet compared to one with 1.6mm of tread, this could of course be very significant in an emergency braking situation. Supplied with a calibration certificate and in a storage case, the VS0565 will alleviate the uncertainty of remaining depth between the tread.
Winter tyres also offer increased grip in snow slush or icy conditions and are becoming increasingly available, they are also a recommended fitment in some EU countries during winter months, so it is a wise check to make before making a trip.
Rule of prevention
Regularly check that all the lights are working, and the rear reflectors are clean and free from cracks.
Windscreen chips can spread in the cold weather so repairing these before the onset of winter can help prevent a more serious issue later. So really the rule is prevention is better than cure, making sure the car is serviced and well prepared for the winter months, should not only provide the motorist with peace of mind but should see the car through to the spring with trouble free, and safe motoring.