How to successfully recruit & retain

How to successfully recruit & retain

In her second column for PMM, Jennifer Webb, owner and director of HR Vitals discusses recruitment, retention and resignations – the three Rs that the HR Vitals team spend most of their time working on.

What if I told you that there are themes that run through all three of these Rs? If you get the recruitment wrong, then the retention (for the employee to be happy at your workplace) is a lot of effort for not a great result, and resignation is inevitable. Sometimes resignation is healthy, it is fine for people to move around to different workplaces. But sometimes, it is the end of a stressful relationship.

So how do you get the successful recruitment and retention? The answer is to consistently communicate what you are really good at. What are you naturally good at with the company? Is it upskilling? Is it the atmosphere at work? Is it being a team player? Business expansion? Whatever it is, make that run all the way through your business, recruitment and retention, like a stick of rock!

If you aren’t sure what your thing is, ask yourself what you enjoy the most? What do you find easy? What is common sense to you? – don’t presume that there is no value in these things, they actually influence your workplace the most.

Technicians – talk to your bosses about the tasks that you really enjoy.

Employers – focus on what you and your team are passionate about.

You will build a stronger work place, you are more likely to attract the right people, and retention will be like a walk in the park. There is nothing better than an employee who loves their job, when communication is easy and the employee may even come to their boss with ideas. To be heading in the right direction for this – be consistent about what you are good at.

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