As a specialist in its field, you’d expect Pro-Align to be an advocate of independent garages embracing the profit opportunities presented by the increasing requirement for wheel alignment services in the workshop. Although alignment equipment has continued to evolve and improve in line with current market demands, the message to garages has remained consistently simple: if you don’t check, then you can’t repair.
For those garages that have taken this advice, seized the opportunity and reaped the benefits, the concept of offering a ‘test and check’ service when welcoming a customer’s vehicle into their care is likely to become a familiar one. Wheel alignment aside, the aforementioned principle can apply to – and incorporate – other systems and components that are key to a vehicle’s every day running.
It’s with this in mind, then, that Pro-Align has recently introduced the latest instalment from the Hunter range of systems into its offering, with the launch of the Quick Check Lane. Unleashed on the British market near the end of last year, and expanding beyond alignment, the product permits technicians and workshops to explore the different service opportunities available to them, increase trust between themselves and the customer and add other potential revenue streams to its arsenal.
What does it do?
The Hunter Quick Check Lane offers a three-minute multi-check facility from the workshop floor for alignment, brakes, battery, code errors, tyre pressures and tread depths. The service is undertaken one module at a time, which is then presented in two print-out formats: one to the motorist, which is an easy-to-read and clean symbol system illustrating whether the vehicle has passed or failed the checks undertaken; the other is provided for the technician, which covers a comprehensive measurement detail to assist the repair, as well as showing the fault codes and information provided from the four tests.
Furthermore, the ‘modular’ aspect of the Quick Check Lane means that you can futureproof your business by upgrading and expanding in line with your workshop’s growth – one module at a time!
Trust is key
One of the crucial aspects of this particular range is that the motorist can be left in absolutely no doubt that the information being relayed back to them is correct. By incorporating a webcam, an image of the customer’s vehicle will appear on the customer printout, along with the vehicle’s description. Also, due to the user-friendly nature of the print-out, even the least savvy motorist could understand the findings of the tests.
Thanks to the rapid speed of the unit, front-of-house employees can present the results to the customer, and it enables the staff to sell a solution at a time when the customer is most approachable and available.
Paul Beaurain, Managing Director of ProAlign, believes that this easy-to-understand process of delivering results can create a bridge of trust between the technician and the motorist, which can only bode well for the future.
“The Quick Check Lane is what I like to call a ‘soft-sell’. There can be no argument or dispute between the garage and the customer with the presentation of results. The motorist can be sure that they’re not being ‘taken for a ride’, whilst the garage can reap the benefits in the process,” he says.
“Workshops have already seen a surge in alignment revenue, thanks to the number of work opportunities it identifies. With the potential to uncover so many more jobs and offering both workshops and drivers alike a number of significant benefits, Quick Check Lane is a real game-changer.”
‘Garages need to be proactive’
Paul insists that some garages are still missing a trick in utilising servicing units – such as wheel alignment systems – to their maximum potential. Although two factors are held responsible for this – space and mentality – he argues that those workshops who fail to embrace new technologies and techniques need to look at the bigger picture when it comes to modern day servicing requirements.
He concludes: “Many garages struggle to comprehend the notion of giving up a low profit margin generating part of the business for a more profit rich one, especially when space is an issue. This mentality is now just beginning to change as we’ve move a considerable distance ahead of the way things were done 20 years ago.”
The Fantastic Four!
Brake Performance and Tyre Pressure Check
– Live evaluation of the vehicle’s capability;
– Measures timing, force and balance;
– Faster than a visual inspection;
– No need for lifting of vehicle or removal of the wheels;
– Inflation station; automatically inflates and deflates all four tyres to correct pressures.
Battery Health Check
– Midtronics battery testing technology;
– Simple, non-intrusive operation – just clips to the battery;
– Evaluation-based on OEM data: measures OEM cold-cranking amps, voltage and general performance;
– Uses low current test signal.
Tyre Tread Check
– Takes approximately 30 seconds;
– 1 or 3 point readings per tyre;
– Measurements collected displayed on console screen: percentage of tread depth remaining, graphics showing tread depth measured;
– Wireless transfer of data readings to console.
Emissions Code Error Check
– Checks engine light status;
– Retrieves diagnostic trouble codes;
– Checks emission monitor status;
– Allows input of mileage and tyre pressure specs;
– Wireless communication with console;
– Commpatible with OBD-II vehicles.