Now in its tenth year, NGK Spark Plugs (UK) Ltd’s BoxClever garage loyalty scheme has been a huge success since its launch.
Based on the same principles as many retail-specific reward initiatives that we see today, the concept of BoxClever is simple: the more you purchase, the greater the rewards. Over the years, thousands of technicians have benefitted from the free gifts on offer and all they’ve had to do in return is stay ‘Box Clever’.
Following the purchase of NGK spark plugs, glow plugs, NTK Lambda sensors and ignition coils, scheme members are encouraged to collect the single boxes that the products come supplied in and these are then returned in exchange for prize points.
With a value designated to each of the boxes, points are then accumulated (very quickly if you’re a keen NGK user) and added to the user’s account once NGK has confirmed receipt of the packaging. These points can then be used to claim a number of fantastic free gifts as/when the technician has raised enough capital to cash in.
To make it even easier for new garage members to take part in the scheme and receive their free gifts, NGK last year launched BoxClever Drivethru which has seen the company select a range of gifts that it estimates would take the average garage just six to eight weeks to qualify for and then quickly receive. Its creation means there are even more reasons for new participants to get the rewards they deserve for fitting NGK products.
All in all, the scheme offers a lot of reward for very little effort.
Hit the road Sam
To further support this cracking promotion, NGK employs staff ‘on the road’ to visit workshops in an effort to keep users abreast of the latest developments and their points totals – all delivered by the BoxClever girl.
A walking promotion for the scheme, Sam Parker is the perfect fit for the role. Fun, friendly and knowledgeable, she joined the team at the start of last year and has subsequently clocked up the miles visiting garages up and down the country.
Sam is interested in the members she is visiting and, as a confessed petrol head, she’s equally as enamored by the motors they’re fixing. Trust us, you wouldn’t want to go head-to-head with the girl in a Caterham race-off!
Surrey scouting
After piling into the front of the funky BoxClever van we set about the daily round, with visits to a number of garages based in the Leatherhead area on the agenda.
For those that were lucky enough to be around when Sam came calling, her visits lasted for as long as the member was happy to chat and she was able to field any queries or questions they may have had. Additionally, each was left with the latest NGK product catalogues and some great branded merchandise. It’s safe to say that at the end of each call, all parties were much the wiser for it.
If you’ve yet to join the thousands of UK independent garages that have put their name to the scheme, now is the time to speak to your local NGK representative.