Every year the Valeo warranty department receives a number of returned blower motors. The main reasons they’re given by the customer when a unit is returned is that it may be burnt out, noisy or not working.
Valeo’s experts will inspect the returned blower motor and, in their experience, there are some common factors that can help them to identify what may have caused the blower motor to fail. These are:
■ Corrosion in the motor
■ Motor windings burnt out
■ Fan blades damaged
All of these are as a result of a poorly maintained interior ventilation system, where there is likely an issue with the cabin air filter.
Regular replacement
If the cabin air filter isn’t replaced regularly then the flow of air will be restricted and the motor will be working harder, with less air passing across it to reduce its temperature. This will lead to premature failure of the motor.
A good sign that you’re dealing with an old cabin air filter is the reduced ability of the heating/cooling system. If the filter has become damp, due to a leaking heater matrix or blocked water drain holes, the moisture will be sucked in by the blower motor, causing corrosion and possibly affecting the performance of the motor.
An indication of this will be moisture in the vehicle’s cabin or a noisy motor in the advanced stage of blower motor damage.
Blade bother
A blower motor with damaged fan blades can be caused by damage during fitment, a missing cabin air filter allowing debris from outside entering the ventilation system or the incorrect filter being fitted.
This issue will have symptoms of a noisy blower motor or, in extreme cases, the motor won’t work. In all circumstances the ventilation cabin air filter must be replaced before fitment of a new blower motor.
Valeo recommends a cabin air filter be replaced every 12 months to ensure maximum longevity of parts in the ventilation system and to ensure a clean and safe environment inside the vehicle’s cabin.