Wulf Gaertner Autoparts AG is launching the brand new free-to-use “MEYLE Parts” app.
Offering comprehensive information on the complete MEYLE product range and the vehicle models it covers, the app is designed to make spare part identification even more efficient.
The app provides four different options to quickly find the right item from MEYLE’s range of over 17,500 parts. This includes searching by part number, industry standard reference, OE reference or vehicle model.
When choosing to search by vehicle model, repair professionals can navigate through the vehicle make, model and type menus down to the assembly group in question. Here they will find a list of all repair solutions available from Wulf Gaertner Autoparts for the specified assembly group.
When a particular part is selected, the tool will display component-specific technical information complemented by accessories, parts lists and OE references.
The new “MEYLE Parts” app is as of now available for download from Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It comes in 23 languages and is free of charge.