In 2019, Ecobat Battery discovered that nationally 43 per cent of workshops turned away start/stop battery replacement work due to either being unsure of the process or aware that potential problems could result if they were not fitted correctly, which meant they were losing out on the revenue it offers, estimated at £185 per installation at that time.
Ecobat Battery addressed the problem head-on and introduced the ONE BOX, a solution that consolidated all the equipment needed to test and install start/stop batteries into a single package.
The components brought together in the ONE BOX bundle, include an EBT780 battery analyser to accurately assess the condition of the existing battery, an EBC8UK battery charger and OBD lead to support the vehicle’s ECU/data storage during the replacement process and an EBT420 battery validation tool to ensure the new AGM/EFB battery is correctly assimilated into the vehicle’s battery management system. However, the package can also be supported with signage and point-of-sale material, to allow workshops to fully promote their start/stop replacement capability to motorists.