Limited edition winter wax
Power Maxed Racing has launched a limited edition Christmas Tree scented Carnauba Winter Wax, which smells fresh and offers the nostalgic fragrance of Christmas Tree pine needles.
The wax utilises Hydrophobic Beading Technology to give a quality water-proof finish and an effect that will leave you astonished.
It has been developed by Power Maxed with a focus on delivering incredible water sheeting and beading technology.
Polish range
Power Maxed Ultra Finishing Polish (500ml) has a unique formula that will remove contaminants and oxidation which normal washing will not touch.
It can be layered to build up additional gloss and protection, and can also be topped with further coats of wax or sealant protection to give an even deeper shine if desired. This final step polish, creates a deep, wet, glossy finish, with effortless buffing and no white dust, it makes it an especially useful product in your detailing arsenal.
Apply 2-3 pea-sized drops of product to an applicator. This is all that is required per panel and should be applied as thinly and evenly as possible to produce a film that should then be buffed off when dry using a microfibre towel. Apply by wiping as evenly as possible, using light pressure and overlapping strokes to the full panel before moving to the next.
Power Maxed Deep Clean Polish 500ml
This micro abrasive polish will clear all light swirls in the paintwork leaving you with a perfect wax / sealant ready finish. It can be used on its own to correct mild defects, or as your first stage in your polishing process. This Polish can be used either by hand or with a polishing machine.