MOT garages across the country have carried out over 10 million MOT tests using DVSA’s new online MOT testing service since its launch on June 26 2015.
The new service allows more flexibility for garages, as it doesn’t require specialist IT equipment and can be used on mobile devices such as tablets.
DVSA worked with stakeholders in the motor trade to develop the service, helping to ensure it is quicker and easier to use for garages. DVSA is continuing to develop the service as it gets feedback from users. For example the service now allows immediate access to contingency codes when required, removing the need for garages to ring the MOT service desk.
Alex Fiddes, DVSA MOT Group Service Manager, said: “The new service has significantly lower running costs, and crucially it is built around the needs of our customers.
“The development of the system doesn’t stop here. We will continue to work with users to understand how we can better meet their needs in the future – and we will continually develop the service to do that.”
Esmond Kielty, Member of the Vehicle Testing Station (VTS) Council and CEO of Carlisle Auto Repairs Ltd, said: “I think the new service has moved us into the modern world, it’s faster and more user friendly.
“It provides my testers with a reliable MOT system with flexibility about where they can record information; they are not stuck in one place in the garage because they can now use tablets.
“As an owner I can order slots, as many or little as I want according to my business projections. I can also review MOT manuals and can do all this from home if it suits me.
“I think the future looks good as this service will allow me and others in the trade to give our feedback so changes will reflect our needs. The old MOT comp system wouldn’t allow us to do this and it meant we had no power or influence on a service we use every working day.”