Blue Print, ‘The Complete Solution for Asian & American Vehicles’, wrote an article on hybrid vehicles back in 2012 which quoted the report ‘Automotive 2020: Clarity Beyond the Chaos’, which was conducted by the IBM Institute for Business Value, and is based on interviews with 125 motor industry executives in 15 countries, and stated all new cars will have “some degree of hybridization by 2020”.
At that point you could have argued that only the Prius had gained any real level of popularity, but fast forward three years and the story is very different. Virtually all of the major manufacturers now employ some form of hybrid technology and the popularity of electric vehicles continues to grow and be an ever more viable alternative.
If you weren’t convinced of the need to be trained in this technology then, you really should be now, even bleeding the brakes on a Prius requires the use of a diagnostic tool, but once you know how, it couldn’t be simpler – as our Blue Print video demonstrates.
Blue Print has trained hundreds of technicians in the UK on how to repair and maintain hybrid vehicles to IMI standards, and continues to produce articles and videos, and conduct seminars on hybrid and electric technology.