Autotech Training has announced it will be delivering IMI, Electric Vehicle training, from Levels 1 to 3, to all employees within any organisation which is electrifying its fleet.
This is in response to data suggesting that by 2025, the UK fleet vehicle industry will account for 75% of all electric cars on the road. But, a major knowledge gap surrounding EV’s and a lack of basic training, could reportedly thwart employee usage.
In a bid to decarbonise road transport, the government has revealed its commitment to improving air quality, by driving down emissions and encouraging drivers to make the switch to cleaner, greener vehicles.
Local authorities are expected to set the standard for this electric revolution, with plug-in car grants to fund EV fleet vehicles available, as part of the government’s Road to Zero Strategy.
As a result, many businesses and local authorities are said to be switching their fleet vehicles to electric and hybrid. But, with very little provision for EV training and many employees reportedly citing that they have received very basic guidance through a PowerPoint presentation, this electric vehicle uptake could just be a ‘tick the box’ exercise for many organisations.
The high voltage nature of EVs introduces safety considerations and hazards and all employees that come into contact with them during their day-to-day duties require training, enabling them to safely operate, and work alongside, electric and hybrid fleet cars. In accordance with the Electricity at Work regulations, enforced by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) all employers have a responsibility to ensure that employees are adequately trained – otherwise they may find themselves liable.
Mandla Ndhlovu, Head of Training & Apprentice at Autotech Recruit, commented: “It is vital that employees, whether they will drive an electric fleet vehicle or not, receive training to ensure they can safely work alongside EVs. We offer on-site training, with an actual electric vehicle for level 2 and 3 courses, to not only provide awareness, but the hands on approach helps to de-mystify electric vehicles which is a major bottleneck in uptake.”
Autotech Training can deliver Level 1 EV training to up to 14 employees at any one time, or via the IMI’s eLearning platform. Levels 2 and 3 EV training can be delivered to up to six employees over a two day period.